War cemetery: Wallendorf German War Cemetery (Germany)

326 German Soldiers are buried here

Bergstrasse, Wallendorf Germany. 326 German Soldiers are buried here.

Information from the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.

From September 1944 to February 1945 was this combat zone. 90-95 percent of the houses and farms were destroyed during the war, the fallen soldiers where recovered from the woods and registered and then buried here. Men from Walldorf, took u the task to mark each grave with a wooden cross. 1950/51 the dead were reburied at the current facility. The People's Alliance designed the cemetery, put on a perimeter wall and put a sand stone cross. Individual graves at the foot of small name stones are embedded on the grave with sand stone crosses, reminiscent in shape to the old atonement crosses.

A small German war cemetery at Wallendorf Germany, a village just across from the Luxemburg - German border.

More information on the site of the Volksbund Kriegsgräberfürsorge (in German)

All the above pictures where made by the webmaster.

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